Shesh Tech IT Services Trust CentreNourishing Business Innovation with transparency, integrity and confidence

Shesh Tech IT Services are secure by design. We are continually developing our processes as part of our regular rigorous security audits.

We aim to provide the best levels of service and support for all our clients at all times. This ensures we deliver the best value to your business and position ourselves as a true value-added solution provider.

All our own policies and processes are compliant with GDPR and privacy regulations. Not only this, but we demand this same level of compliance from our upstream providers.

Every member of our team conducts themselves according to our carefully managed security processes and workflows. This ensures that every bit of business we conduct is executed and based on industry best practice and education in the latests threats and security risks. These measures include cybersecurity training, IT security policies, and rigorous security testing.

At Shesh Tech IT Services, our rigorous security and privacy practices are shaped by key data governance regulations and standards.

Every Managed Services Provider seeks to maintain the highest levels of data management practices for their client’s data. What sets Shesh Tech IT Services apart from many other providers is our approach to data governance. Our commitment is centred around continuous investment toward protecting our client’s data, and this commitment is engrained throughout our entire company, from our people to our processes.

Our approach is simple but powerful; as a result of respecting our clients, we respect their data assets. We have the absolute highest regard for our clients and their businesses and it creates a passion within our people to safeguard their reputation through robust data management practices.

We work diligently to stay appraised of the latest security and privacy regulations and frameworks across the world. As a result of continually monitoring this rapidly changing landscape, we can stay agile as a Managed IT Service Provider withe most robust data governance approach in our sector.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents the most important data protection regulation change in over 20 years. As a framework for how businesses should look after client and consumer data, it’s aims to strengthen data protection for individuals within the European Union (EU) have been taken very seriously by many businesses. Shesh Tech IT Services are leading the charge on this mission by giving our clients greater say over what we are allowed to do with the personal data that we collect from our clients.

As a business focused on trust and careful handling of client data, we have been committed to privacy since our inception. Our strong compliance culture and robust security safeguards provide a solid foundation for ongoing GDPR compliance efforts.

The variety of clients that we work with mean that we have a wide scope of compliance requirements to meet in order to be IT leaders for these sectors.

Specific industry regulations deeply impact our security and privacy practices and we continually review our processes in light of new regulations that are released as well as new businesses that we begin working with.

ICANN Registrant Rights and Responsibilities

Our commitment to provide the most innovative technology solutions for businesses relies on total trust between us and our clients. To us, this starts by protecting your data and to ensure that you can meet your own privacy obligations, we hold ourselves to the highest standard.

Read our Privacy Policy Here

Support Statistics

Transparency is the key to trust: Providing you with responsive and transparent support in all areas is key to maintaining a secure and efficient IT infrastructure. We are proud of our support services so why not have a look for yourself…

Trustworthy & Transparent supportLIVE STATS



Total Resolved Tickets
(Last 30 days)



Total Support Calls
(Last 30 days)



Average Resolution Time
(Last 30 days)

Support Specifics

Tickets resolved with one reply

(last 30 days)

Client Satisfaction Rate

(last 30 days)

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